Saturday, September 22, 2007

Mutual Interests

It’s always interesting to return to my homeland, which regular visitors to this site might possibly remember I regard with a mixture of amusement, horror and disbelief. Ninety percent of the population are bad-tempered, slow-witted hicks and the other ten percent are Eastern European immigrants who failed to do their homework properly and are frantically trying to earn the money for a ticket out of the place.

Anyway, on a light-hearted note I thought you'd be interested to know that the Belfast Telegraph has a "lonely hearts" page which is divided into three sections: "Men Seeking Women", "Women Seeking Men", and "Mutual Interests", where gays have to mix it with pot-holers, model railway enthusiasts and socially inept men with beards who work in I.T. and want to get together at weekends to re-enact the Battle of Naseby.

However, as we're talking about Northern Ireland here I suppose we should just be grateful that there isn’t a section labelled "Homos".

On a more encouraging note, on a visit to the village where I grew up I noticed that someone had taken the time to alter the sign for LESSANS ROAD so that it read LESBIANS ROAD, so there might be some hot action going on out in the sticks.


Sooz said...

Will you please stop having a go at the Irish. I happen to to be married to an Irish man, and he definitely has no issues of gender confusion...

Anonymous said...

Really Sooz? Didn't know you'd remarried. How's Dave? Still in contact? Did he run off with that boy scout?

Sizue C

sydollie said...

I don't need people like you, what were you doing on my blog, anyway, poor thing !

Anonymous said...

omg I just saw the doll thing and I am in shock. I don't want to leave a comment there because they might come and get me in the night. I won't sleep now anyway.

Anonymous said...

An Iowan blues singer, whose name I don't recall, was happy to be signed up for a steady gig at a joint in Des Moines. He didn't understand all the details of the place, but it led him to write another song where the chorus went:

Men who love women who love men
And women who love women every now and then
And men who love men because they can't pretend
To be men who love women who love men.

For some reason my boss at the time really liked that song.


Anonymous said...

Still up for that beer - let me know. Apologies for using blogs to talk but might as well use it for something!