Friday, February 08, 2008

God Only Knows

I’ve spent some time in the company of Christians recently, and, although they’re pretty annoying they’re probably less likely to try to murder you than the other annoying people in Redhill who aren’t Christians.

By and large they seem to be nice people, as long as you ignore the fact that they’re all a bit nuts.

Now, I’m an agnostic. That’s not me being wishy-washy, it’s just an admission that there’s a lot of stuff I don’t understand. If I contemplate the mysteries of the Universe I just don’t understand how stuff works.

The Christians I’ve met seem to understand how stuff works, at least to their own satisfaction. Up to a point.

Then I ask why God fucks us around so much. “Ah, say the Christians. You wouldn’t understand.”

So that’s why I’ve decided to just not understand on my own and cut out the not understanding bit that involves God.


Anonymous said...

My favorite question for the very Christian person is usually along the lines of, "If God loves you so much, why did he make your mother look like that?"

I also like to remind them that "Jesus loves your teen-aged daughter"

David said...

That's harsh, Bob. Harsh.

Anonymous said...

Harsh is what makes it fun.


Anonymous said...


There are lots of things I don't understand but that doesn't mean I have to take seriously (even somewhat) the frankly ridiculous alternative offered by Christians.
There may be be people out there who believe that a small teapot is in orbit around the Earth. I cannot disprove it and, fortunately, never get asked to, and it annoys my that we athiests have to spend our lives explaining why we don't believe similar gobble-de-gook. I am athiest and, for that matter a-teapotist.

If I was walking down the road and coming the other way was a group of believers would I feel more threatened than if I was being approached by a group of athiests? Absolutely - particlularly if I was in Alabama and I was a doctor working in an abortion clinic! In Redhill your average brain-dead, knife-wielding hoody probably believes in God. Your average athiest probably has a raft of qualifications, a stable job, money in his pocket and an alert, challenging intellect.

David - make the leap to the dark side, you'd be surprised how liberating it can be to finally throw off those primitive shackles.


Anonymous said...

The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction. Jealous and proud of it, a petty, unjust, unforgiving control freak, a vindictive bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser, a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidical, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.

Richard Dawkins - The God Delusion.


(I'm going to hell aren't I?)


Anonymous said...

You should see the frustration that comes from working in the Natural Science Division of a Catholic College. It's ok, though; it helps keep my blood pressure up.