Wednesday, June 09, 2004


At lunchtime today I got into a discussion about doorstepping Christians, I said:

A while back, just before Christmas every year I used to be visited by the same two Jehovah's Witnesses. The conversation always went like this:

Them: "We don't celebrate Christmas. Do you know why?"

Me: "It's because it's actually a pagan festival."

Them: "No! It's because it's actually a pagan festival. Oh. Anyway, that's why we don't celebrate Christmas. Because it's actually a pagan festival."

Me: "I do celebrate Christmas because it's actually a pagan festival. I'm a big fan of giving people presents, eating and drinking far too much, watching crap T.V. and snogging. I'd hate to spoil it with all that Baby Jesus bollocks. Merry Christmas."

Then I used to smile sweetly and close the door. Gently.


Anonymous said...

In 1990, I moved into a new home in a quiet neighborhood. When the Jahova's Witnesses came around first, it was a man and woman both in their mid forties. Every couple of weeks, the woman would return, each time with a different attractive young woman in her early twenties. Being a real bastard, I would talk with them but always in a disussion format, never any preaching allowed by either side.

One day, the young woman was a tall, strong blond. Eventually in the discussion of religion, I turned the topic to the beliefs of pre-christian northern europe. Before too long, the young woman could feel the Hamjinga of her ancesters flowing through her veins. She seemd very interested to find out more and was thoroughly enjoying her new rapture.

It took some effort for the elder lady to drag this girl off my porch. The Jehova's folks never came back again. I don't know why.


David said...

You li'l wascal...

Anonymous said...

How do you get a counter for your site? Can you pass the code on so I can see how many people aren't visiting me? Leave a comment at the Vegetable patch.
