Friday, February 01, 2008

For some reason they’ve stopped selling chipmunks in the pet shop across the road from where I live. I have a strange fixation with chipmunks – they’re quite cute, but they have an odd reptilian slitheriness which I find repellent but oddly hypnotic.

They're like squirrels. But worse. I used to go and stare at them until I began to feel worried and then go home, which was interesting. I miss them.

But there’s a lot more weird stuff out there to capture my imagination. “It is the first new species of giant elephant shrew to be discovered in more than 126 years" says Galen Rathbun of the California Academy of Sciences, referring to his latest discovery, and I, for one, will not be taking the time to argue with him.

It’s in Tanzania, which means I’m unlike to get a look at a real one, but at least the BBC have photographs.


Anonymous said...

I heard that they had to move the chipmunks because some strange guy kept hanging around staring at them through the window. It kept stressing the chipmunks who would always back away from the window and kept trying to cover their backsides.


David said...

Hey, nothing was ever proven. And that little 'munk looked WAY over sixteen.