Wednesday, February 18, 2004

"Mikey" (gosh, they even have "names") writes:

What the hell are you talking about? Bush pronounces nuclur exactly right. Come on down to Texas and see for yourself.
As for figuring out what we are doing that pisses people off, and then stopping doing what pisses people off, the people who want to kill us are pissed because we allow women equal rights, have religious freedom, drink alcohol, and just generally kick ass. We ain't stopping any of those things!
Instead, what we might stop doing is restraining ourselves from dropping some nuclurs all over the people who are trying to kill us. If some of them are hiding near you, might be a good time to visit the U.S.

Well then, allow me to retort:

Mikey, repeat after me:
Bugbear: "New"
Mikey: "Noo."
Bugbear:"Close enough. Now try "Clear"."
Mikey: "Clear".
Bugbear: "Now put them together, Mikey."
Mikey: "Noocyular"
Bugbear: "Well, Mikey, I'm afraid I'm going to have to hit you in the face with a cricket bat. Crumpets, anyone?" (Skips off like that nancy-boy from Brideshead Revisited. The tall one.)

Maybe I should visit the U.S. Just don't make me go to Buffalo.

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